TCFL Questionnaire – Teacher 3 (Audio Interview)

October 31, 2013 karinawp

Chinese Teacher 3

Teacher 3 is a graduate from BLCU (Beijing Language and Culture University). She has been teaching Chinese for 3 years. Her students are all adults, some with no language experience, while others are already quite fluent.

She does not hold a TCFL certificate, because, currently, the training for the official certificate has been suspended.

Her teaching style consists of providing situations to explain grammar, asking students to read and then repeat a text many times, and explaining the meaning of all new words.

According to Teacher 3, the TCFL industry is characterised by:

– slow developments

– a lack of stable work

– a lack of regular income

The main places of work for TCFL teachers are: university, a Chinese language training school or the Chinese department of an international school.

T3 does not use PPTs, and prefers not to use electronic devices in class as they can be a distraction for students.

In terms of resources, T3 talks about a textbook published by BLCU which discusses the “Oracle Bones” or the history and development of Chinese characters over the years. And also discusses a book called “800 Modern Chinese Words”. Finally, she talks about “CCL” which is an online storage facility of language material, managed by BLCU.

Due to constant changes in the classroom – for example, sometimes students do not attend class, sometimes classes have students with different levels etc, T3 thinks it is best not to prepare lesson plans.

T3 rarely uses supplementary teaching materials, except flashcards for learning Chinese characters.

She believes that if you are in China for a short period of time, you do not need to study Chinese characters. However, if you plan to stay in China for a while, it is better to study Chinese characters in order to understand menus, bus timetables, notices etc.

As T3’s English is not very good she does not use English in her lessons. Also, she does not speak any other language. However, she firmly believes in using the target language only in her lessons.

She hopes that in the future, each district will have their own official Chinese learning centre (rather than the 3 disparate places of work she mentions above), so that teacher training and Chinese learning can be managed more effectively at the advantage of both teachers and students.


汉语老师 3


根据她的采访录音,我们了解到,对外汉语行业内的发展是很慢的。主要的原因是工作不稳定, 收入也不稳定。


她谈到了两本有趣的汉语教材:一本是关于甲骨文的,用这本教材教汉字。可以让学生了解汉字的起源。另外一本书很有名,叫《现代汉语八百词》。另外,她还谈到了北京语言大学的 ”语料库“。



她希望政府在每个区能够建立一个 ”对外汉语学习中心“,这样的话,对外汉语教学更加规范,对外汉语教师之间可以互相交流。

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