Educollaborate Episode 1 – Bloom's Taxonomy

March 17, 2015 karinawp










a. 你想让学生们写一篇有关“两项流行体育运动项目之比较”的文章。在开始之前,你为学生们提供了两项运动——羽毛球和篮球的思维并提出下列问题:




b. 你为学生提供了一些电视广告的例子并讨论电视广告的一些相关理论。现在你要让学生们为他们选择的一款产品设计一个广告。

c. 学生们分组讨论不同类型的节假日。学生们试图说服其他组的成员他们所选节日类型是最好的。你现在让学生从他们知道的节假日中选出三个。

d. 你请学生们列出智能手机和电脑相似和不同之处。

e. 你的学生准备听一堂关于中国历史朝代的讲座。你让学生记下不同朝代的特点。

f. 你的学生们读了架构网站的文章,现在你让他们填写一个表格用来描述网站建设过程。


a. 理解

b. 创造

c. 评价

d. 分析

e. 记忆

f. 应用


Anderson, L.W. & Krathwohl, D.R. (Eds), 2001. A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing – a revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Bloom, B.S. (Ed), 1956. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: the classification of educational goals. New York: Longmans, Green and Co.

Welcome to Educollaborate, a podcast about teaching and learning languages in Chinese!

Each podcast is based on one of Han Ban’s Standards for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages.

For the first episode we discuss the relevance of Bloom’s Taxonomy for teaching and learning languages.

This topic is tagged with Standard number 5.7.2 –

Standard 5: Second Language Acquistion and Learning Strategies

Standard 5.7: Teachers should understand the importance of learning strategies in L2 development

Basic Concept 5.7.2: Cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies

Teacher Task

1. Look at tasks a-f below. Match each task to one of Bloom’s/Anderson’s categories.

a. You want your students to write an essay entitled: ‘Compare and contrast two popular sports’. To prepare them for the task, you give your students a mind map about two sports: badminton and basketball and ask the following questions:

1. Which two sports are shown on the mind map?

2. How many players does each team have?

3. Are the sports played inside or outside?

b. You have shown your students a number of examples of TV advertisements and discussed some theory relating to TV advertising. Now you ask them to design an advert for a product of their choice.

c. In groups, your students have been discussing different types of holiday. They have been trying to convince the other people in their group that their holiday style is the best. You now ask them to choose the 3 holidays from the ones they have heard about.

d. You ask your students to compile a list of the similarities and differences between smartphones and computers.

e. Your students are going to listen to an academic lecture about the dynasties in Chinese history. You ask them to make a note of the key features of ancient, imperial and modern dynasties.

f. Your students have read a description of the website-building process. You now ask them to fill in a chart illustrating the process.


a. Understanding

b. Creating

c. Evaluating

d. Analysing

e. Remembering

f. Applying

Further Reading

Anderson, L.W. & Krathwohl, D.R. (Eds), 2001. A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing – a revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Bloom, B.S. (Ed), 1956. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: the classification of educational goals. New York: Longmans, Green and Co.

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