How to Teach Chinese

January 5, 2014 karinawp
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Back in September 2013 the Guardian Teacher Network published some resources for pupils and teachers to help with learning and teaching Mandarin Chinese
I also recommend these websites:
This is a niche website just for teachers of Chinese in schools. Wanting information on text-books, online resources for learning Chinese, free Schemes of Work for Mandarin Chinese or access to the latest conferences for teachers of Chinese in the UK and the States.
MYLO is a free KS3 and KS4 language learning resource developed for the Department for Education and run by RM Education. It offers a new way to learn French, German, Spanish and Chinese.
Chineasy’s goal is to allow people to learn to read Chinese easily by recognising characters through simple illustrations. The magical power of the Chineasy method is that by learning one small set of building blocks, students can build many new words, characters, and phrases.

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