Teaching Chinese Methods with a University Professor

September 7, 2014 karinawp


Last week, I was lucky enough to spend time with a Beijing-based university professor. She has accumulated a wealth of experience in Teaching Chinese Methods or “Patterns”. In her opinion, the following US-Sino collaborations implement some of the best practices for teaching Chinese (on intensive Chinese language summer programmes) today:

1. ACCAssociated Colleges of China & Hamilton College

Their curriculum “focuses on studying the Chinese language through individualized instruction with a high level of participation and interaction.”

2. HBAHavard Beijing Academy

“On a typical weekday, students have four hours of class in the morning (lectures, drills, and quizzes) and a 50-minute one-on-one conversation session with one of the teachers in the afternoon.”

3. PIBPrinceton in Beijing

“The Princeton Chinese Language Program has established its own distinctive pedagogy while developing a … belief that a strong foundation with an emphasis on accurate pronunciation and grammar is absolutely necessary for language mastery.”

CIBColumbia in Beijing at Tsinghua University

“Intensive language courses, drill sessions, individual tutorials, and language partners”

Middlebury & Capital Normal University

“The curriculum was designed for the specific needs of high intermediate and advanced Chinese language students. All students are required to take the One-on-One Content-Based Tutorial and the Area Studies Class pertinent to the host city”

– training programme for Teaching CHINESE, Masters programme, 4 holiday terms or 2 years, summer school for languages

DICDuke in China & UIBE (University of International Business & Economics)

“…featuring small group instruction, practicum assignments in the community, and language partners.”

CIEE, an international exchange organisation and CET, also a study abroad organisation are two other independent institutions also worth checking out.

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