(MA) DTLT – Week 10 – The Social Web – Trying out a new tool: Flipgrid

December 2, 2014 karinawp

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MA DTLT 2014 Group Flipgrid Questions!

This week one of our tasks was to select an article from the University of Nottingham library about social media use in the language classroom. We were required to make a simple presentation giving details of the main aim of the study, the students involved, the social media tools used and the amount of support provided by the teacher. See my presentation here.

Following the presentation of our presentations (!) during our weekly online meeting lat Friday, one of my classmates suggested the online tool, Flipgrid, as a creative way of asking and answering questions about our presentations. The way Flipgrid works is that teachers create a grid of questions, students respond with video and everyone views and shares their ideas.

Here is our Flipgrid board:


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