Week 22: TECW – Introducing Characters – The Hotel Room

February 22, 2015 karinawp

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This Week’s Creative Writing Exercise 2

Use this exercise to add a character to the previous scene.

Choose only one of the following emotions and create a character who is feeling this emotion right now:

He was afraid

She was tired

She was overjoyed /He was disheartened/ He was in love

She was furious


The Hotel Room, Scene 2

Rushing toward the silver oven, she grimaces and frowns at the old school knobs and buttons of a bygone age. “How on earth do I turn this thing off?” she exclaims, her wavering voice barely concealing her annoyance. She waves her hands energetically now, jabbing this way and that in the hope of finding the off switch. Her frantic efforts are hopeless.

Peering into the kiln, the well-done roast begins to blacken around the edges. “Oh no!” she screams, banging her right fist on the side of kitsch cooker, burning herself in the process. “Arrrgghh!” She brings her hands up above her head as if in supplication to some high god, “Why me?” she exhales. The infuriation is palatable.

Which emotion am I describing?

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