edX course: Intermediate Chinese Grammar-中级汉语语法 March 11, 2015 karinawp Posted by karinawp on March 11, 2015March 11, 2015 老师: 你希望进一步提高汉语水平? 你希望进一步提高表达准确度和流利度? 已经掌握了1500左右词汇,基本的汉语语法知识? 我: 对啊! 我会马上报名! 课程介绍: 本课程将讲解汉语作为第二语言学习中学习者最容易发生偏误的12个汉语最基本的语法项目,帮助学习者进一步理解、掌握这些语法项目在句法、语义及语用上的特点。 重要信息: 价格 - 免费 班开始 - 3月16号 (十四个星期) Get Free Email Updates! Signup now and receive an email once I publish new content. Thank you for subscribing. Something went wrong. I agree to have my personal information transfered to AWeber ( more information ) I will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.