SpanishMOOC 100

May 16, 2013 karinawp

So before the LTMOOC, came the SpanishMOOC! Apparently, this was the first time a language had been taught in the MOOC format, and I was very excited to make history!

Technically, I was not a beginner in Spanish when I took the course. (A recent online test graded me at CEFR Level B2). However, I wanted to brush up on my skills, and I thought, participating in the SpanishMOOC would be a “stress-free” way to do that. Not to mention, it was actually free! Not to also mention, the course claimed to teach what is usually taught in one academic year, in just three months. I don’t have access to enough data to tell you whether that was true or not, however, I found the course quite challenging, even as a someone with a firm Intermediate level. So goodness knows how the real beginners did!

That said, I have signed up for the follow-up course, called, Spanish MOOC 200 which starts in July. (I’m not quite sure what the 100 and 200 represent). This should really flex my brain cells. And I will update my blog with the highs and lows, as and when it happens.

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