Online adaptive learning from the French Institute

October 15, 2014 karinawp

This week I recieved an email invitation to test “Frantastique” for free with the Institut Francais. Frantastique is onlone French lessons, delivered daily through an email, a story and personalised correction:

This is the small type:

“Every day, you’ll receive a selection of exercises, texts, dialogues, and mini-lessons in French. These include original stories and historical notes that match your level and objectives. Once you have sent your answers, you will receive a correction with your daily score, as well as personalized explanations and information. The course adapts to your wishes, needs, and learning speed. An artificial intelligence engine builds each lesson to focus on the points you struggle with, as well as the topics you’ve requested.”

Interesting to see the adaptive method used by the Institut Francais which aims to match your level, objectives, wishes and learning speed! Artificial Intelligence is being adpoted to identify and remember your weaknesses, and then provide exercises that focus on these points. I look forward to trying it soon!

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