About Technology-Enhance Creative Writing


In the second semester of my two-year online distance course, I embarked on two very different learning journey’s: one was a focus on theory, one, a focus on practice. Second Language Acquisition Theory saw me tackling the fascinating topic of Parental Involvement, and how including parents more in the school environment may lead to positive motivational outcomes for the young language learners. And Technology-Enhanced Creative Writing (TECW) saw me dramatically de-robing myself of my teacher identity and valiantly taking on the role of a learner of Creative Writing (CW) techniques. These exercises inspired me to write, what I dub, my first flash ‘poem‘ and simple acrostic poem. Other creative instruction led me to using the senses to bring to life an environment, and then to focus on adjectives for emotions, in order to flesh out characters. The sum of all these techniques is a short story which incorporates the basic elements considered necessary for a piece of flash fiction, such as a good beginning and intriguing plot, a believable character, a focus on detail, which incorporates different points of view and distance, as well as a subversive ending, all of which are judiciously edited. My story, entitled Provocations of Light, is a work in progress, having already been through rigorous editing after both the first and second drafts: Part 1 and Part 2. Keep an eye on my blog, Learn Experience Teach, for the third draft.

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