I am passionate about creative writing for strong, independent folk because I believe that embracing your creativity is the key to expressing yourself in a clear, succinct & powerful way and connecting with the real you. Hence the launch of my short online course Share Your Story with Confidence. Join me if you are: excited about…
Category: General
Any post that does not fit a particular catergory
Thinking about how to inject some creativity into my language classroom, last week I attended a poetry workshop with the Barking Foxes Poetry Stanza in east London. The theme was ballads, which was a new term for me. Ballad Definition A ballad is a poem that is typically arranged in quatrains (four poetic lines) with the…
I am passionate about creative writing for strong, independent folk because I believe that embracing your creativity is the key to expressing yourself in a clear, succinct & powerful way and connecting with the real you. Hence the launch of my short online course Write Your Story with Confidence. Join me if: sometimes your mind…
This week I am thinking about different strategies to help me edit my short story: Provocations of Light, currently written as Part 1 and Part 2. As per the picture above, there are many stock activities we can employ to proofread our work. However, being on a Creative Writing course, I wanted to try something…
大家好!欢迎说听瑞娜说中文! 今天我用数字化联系中文。 首先我用手机自我录制。 然后我用imovie放个图片。 最后,我用一个字幕网站加字幕。 (不好意思,我做一个错误。‘英文字幕’=中文字幕 。‘中文字幕’=英文字幕。很抱歉!) 有VPN的人也可以在YouTube看! 额外资源 读(英文)中国人对纪录片的反应 我的字幕我在dotsub做的。下次会用Amara。后来告诉你们那个是最好的。
Based on what I’ve learnt about beginnings, plot and character this week, here I lay out a simple lesson plan introducing the power of short story beginnings into the foreign language classroom: Materials A large copy of the text above with words missing, as mentioned in the Warmer below (for example, in ppt form). A…
I’ve recently joined #ELTchat on Twitter, and came across a post entitled Four Activities I wish I knew when I started teaching by Michael Griffin. He plans to present this topic at a seminar next weekend at CAMTESOL in Cambodia, and invited readers to submit an activity that matches his criteria: “The activities are relatively…
Having carried out a number of different writing exercises last week, I’ve taken one flash fiction story (Sticks by George Saunders) and created a simple lesson plan that focuses on the use of adjectives, details and ‘showing’ instead of ‘telling’, while incorporating technology. It needs a bit of work, but here are the bare bones:…
Online Dynamic Similar to the online application process for volunteers at London 2012, for Rio 2016, we are asked to complete online tasks. These take the form of tutorials that simultaneously introduce us to the country, Olympic disciplines and competition locations, while at the same time gaining an understanding of our temperament. Transporting us to…
Following my experience volunteering at the London 2012 Olympics, I am hoping to do it all over again at Rio in 2016. I’m very excited about this prospect and would love to improve (and use) my Chinese skills at the Games.