两个月前我参加了孔子和北京国际汉语学院安排的外国汉语教师来华研修班。 我采访了这个活动的参与人。我们讨论的话题是学习和教语言。 采访4:来自印尼的叶秀荟(我的同学)。 Two months ago, I participated in a workshop for foreign Chinese teachers, organised by the Confucius Institute and Beijing International Chinese College. During my time, I interviewed some of the participants about their interest in studying and teaching langauges. The fifth interviewee was my class-mate from Madagascar, Miyali. Friends outside of China…
Category: Understanding Teaching and Learning in China
Personal research project on understanding the role of the teacher in China.
两个月前我参加了孔子和北京国际汉语学院安排的外国汉语教师来华研修班。 我采访了这个活动的参与人。我们讨论的话题是学习和教语言。 采访4:来自印尼的叶秀荟(我的同学)。 Two months ago, I participated in a workshop for foreign Chinese teachers, organised by the Confucius Institute and Beijing International Chinese College. During my time, I interviewed some of the participants about their interest in studying and teaching langauges. The second interviewee was my class-mate from Indonesia, Olivia. Friends outside of China…
上个月我参加了孔子和北京国际汉语学院安排的外国汉语教师来华研修班。 我采访了这个活动的参与人。我们讨论的话题是学习和教语言。 采访3:来自苏丹的杨欣然(我的同学)。 Last month I participated in a workshop for foreign Chinese teachers, organised by the Confucius Institute and Beijing International Chinese College. During my time, I interviewed some of the participants about their interest in studying and teaching langauges. The second interviewee was my class-mate from Sudan, Sara. 中国朋友,请去优酷看视频.
上个月我参加了孔子和北京国际汉语学院安排的外国汉语教师来华研修班。 我采访了这个活动的参与人。我们讨论的话题是学习和教语言。 采访2:来自尼日利亚的杨ZiZi(我的同学)。 Last month I participated in a workshop for foreign Chinese teachers, organised by the Confucius Institute and Beijing International Chinese College. During my time, I interviewed some of the participants about their interest in studying and teaching langauges. The second interviewee was my class-mate from Nigeria, ZiZi.
上个月我参加了孔子和北京国际汉语学院安排的外国汉语教师来华研修班。 我采访了这个活动的参与人。我们讨论的话题是学习和教语言。 采访1:来自越南的杨明秀(我的同屋)。 Last month I participated in a workshop for foreign Chinese teachers, organised by the Confucius Institute and Beijing International Chinese College. During my time, I interviewed some of the participants about their interest in studying and teaching langauges. The first interviewee was my room-mate from Vietnam, Yang Ming Xiu.
The China Workshop Program for Foreign Chinese Language Teachers is specifically designed to encourage foreign teachers to become Chinese language teachers and promote the Chinese language and Chinese culture outside China. I participated in one such workshop last month, organised by BICC (Beijing International Chinese College), with cooperation from the Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban). After 3…
今天的题目是国际汉语教师标准1: 汉语和外语的知识与技能
瑞娜说中文 今天的题目是对外汉语: 成为语言老师要什么要求?
ELTeach Symposium On 24th April 2015, I had the honour of joining the Symposium on English Teacher’s Professional Development Through Online Self-Access Learning, an expose on the current situation of English Teacher Training/English Teaching in the China context and an introduction to a new, online English Teacher Training platform for local teachers: ELTeach. Symposium Topics…