Getting into Materials Writing

May 16, 2013 karinawp

As the thought crosses my mind about developing authentic materials for teaching Chinese, I am invited to a webinar next week on the exact same subject. Actually, that’s not true. The subject is publishing your own ELT materials, but I think it will be very informative to attend, as the general process should be transferable.

Here’s the blurb from Cambridge English Teacher:

“Technology is changing educational publishing as much as it’s changing education itself. This new landscape brings with it new challenges and exciting opportunities. But one thing remains the same: students, teachers and publishers all still want the same thing: quality, engaging content. And for that, we need “the human touch” – authors. So at what point in your career is it time to think about getting published? How can your professional development now help you become an author in the future? How is technology changing ELT publishing and how might it affect you and your students? What’s it actually like to write ELT materials professionally? What types of product are they publishers looking for? How do you write a proposal? How should you promote yourself? These are just some of the questions I’ll attempt to answer in this session, which is aimed at anyone who’s interested in how publishing works and wants practical, useful advice on how to begin writing ELT materials professionally.”

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