Trends in Second and Foreign Language Teaching

August 8, 2014 karinawp


Trends in Second and Foreign Language Teaching by Professor ZhaoHong Han from Columbia University. Held at Columbia Centres East Asia, in Beijing, July 2014.

10 emerging trends in teaching adult learners a foreign language over the past 15 years, according to Professor Han:

1. Viewing teaching as a science and hence evidence-based rather than intuition- or experience-based.

2. Adopting an analytic approach rather than a synthetic approach in planning and organising teaching.

3. Implementing a focus on form rather than a focus on forms in classroom interaction.

4. Comprehensively fostering complexity, accuracy, fluency, and communicative adequacy of learner language rather than formal accuracy alone.

5. Contextualising rather than decontextualising teaching

6. Using authentic input rather than modified input

7. Engaging learners in real world tasks rather than artificial metalinguistic exercises

8. Respecting students’ processing needs rather than imposing teaching on learning

9. Teachers primarily leading from behind rather than leading in the front.

10. Teachers assuming multiple, dynamic roles rather than a singular role in the classroom.

第二语言和外语教学的发展趋势. 在哥伦比亚大学全球中心 (东亚)。2014年7月17日. 按照韩照红博士,过去的15年中,从研究中我们获得了很多关于教成年学习者学习第二语言和外语。十个主要的转变包括有:











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