Snag It: A Test

January 8, 2015 karinawp

 Here I use Snag It to give advice to a friend about studying Spanish online. Take a look!

Image and Screen Capture

Since my tutor recommended I try alternative ways to express my ideas on my blog, I have been experimenting with free online audio and video capture tools. This one, Snag It, I have to say, is the most professional-looking so far, enabling users to capture whatever is on the computer screen, with the option to add audio. However, it’s not exactly free. There is a 2 week free trail, then there is a one-off cost of $20. But it seems worth it, as the the functionality is intuitive and very quick to install and set-up. The tool takes up little space on your computer screen and the results are clean and visually attractive. As expected, you can upload your creations to YouTube, Facebook, and a plethora of other popular, social networking platforms, with the click of a button.

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