(MA) DTLT: Week 21 – SLA – From Practice toward Theory: My Teaching Diary

February 11, 2015 karinawp

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In order to develop a reflective approach to my language teaching, I’d like to share details of two of my weekly classes –

Class 1: two 40 minute lessons per week

About the Student: 121 with bubbly, 8 year Chinese girl.

Course: Trinity 4 preparation (exam apparently booked some time in March)


(i) fatigue – after a whole day of school, the last thing she wants to do is, more school!

(ii) low motivation – I’m not sure she sees value in my English class, preferring to stare out of the window, or draw

(iii) basic skills – in terms of my obersvations and recommendations to improve her current level, first and foremost she needs to be able to pronounce all the letters of the alphabet and learn to read. It is only after acquiring the basics of this skill, would I even consider preparing for any test (even if it is only oral).

(iv) attitude – until I gave this student a notebook, and my own pen, she would come to class without them. She occasionally does her homework, but does not usually review the class work. I don’t think she reads any books or watches any films in English. Basically, NO habit has been formed for learning English.

(v) parent – I know that her mother wants her to take an exam, but I’m not sure why. If her daughter is not going abroad in the near future, then I suggest focusing on strengthening core language skills (such as reading, so that I can introduce texts and such to help stimulate speaking and vocabulary acquisition)

Hopes and Dreams

(i) instill a valid interest and curiosity for learning English, possibly with the support of the parent

(ii) negotiate a rational language aim or aims, based on current needs (e.g., improving basic reading, spelling, and writing skills)

(iii) encourage informal exposure to English outside of the classroom, through Disney/Pixar films etc.

Class 2: two 40 minute lessons per week

About the Students: Six super-cute mixed ability 5/6 year-olds

Course: Family & Friends 1 (think – 4 new words per lesson!)


(i) overactive – with 5 boys, and 1 girl, most of these kids want to run around and kill each other!

(ii) mixed ability – I can literally divide the class in three – beginner, intermediate and advanced. This means that one group is content. One group completes tasks quickly, and are easily bored. The other never finish the task because it’s too dfficult.

(iii) teacher’s limited kiddie experience – how does one recyle 4 words, meanigfully and enjoyably, over 80 minutes?

(iv) parents – some are happy with me, some want me to spend more time with their child on a 121 (hmmm), some want me to just practice speaking (hmmm*2)

Hopes and Dreams

(i) provide each mini-group of students with activities that stimulate and challenge

(ii) provide even more speaking practice (I use an interactive CD-rom with games, I ought to do some app research)

(iii) encourage informal exposure to English outside of the classroom, through Disney/Pixar films etc.

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