Tandem Language Learning

November 9, 2015 karinawp


What on earth is Tandem Language Learning?

I must begin by saying that I had never heard of the term ‘tandem learning’ until I started the Teleollaboration module for my Masters this semester. (What’s Telecollaboration?! Find out in an upcoming post!) So I am very glad to dig deeper into this idea now, thanks to an online collaborative task that had me working with my classmate to scrutinise the Wiki page on Tandem Language Learning.

Tandem Partnership is a traditional face-to-face language exchange between two people who want to learn each other’s mother tongue, the big difference being the supporting materials provided. According to my own language exchange experience, I think these ‘various materials and methods’ are key, because there needs to be some direction and a way to balance out contributions within the exchange. In order to participate, there is a requirement for pre-intermediate level or above. And there is an emphasis on equal target language talk time during the exchange. Apart from face-to-face Tandem, e-Tandem is also possible, by email, phone or other media.

Reflective question: what with very limited productive ability at beginner and elementary level, is it fruitful for the learner to participate in a language exchange?

Binational Tandem is similar for groups, organised by moderators. I like the sound of this and the possibility for project-based learning and doing problem-solving activities. I also very much like the idea of gaining inter-cultural awareness and the chance to expand one’s world knowledge. Here in China I am currently teaching large classes of 20-25 students, and I think many of them only have an abstract view of what life ‘studying abroad’ may be. Thus, I’m quite excited at the prospect that a Binational Tandem activity may be able to bring them a step closer to the reality of it all. I think catching a glimpse of what their life could be, could be very motivating/inspiring. There is one worry, however, which is the unreliable, unstable, internet connection…

My Reflections

I don’t see Tandem Learning as a stand-alone method, though. It makes sense as an activity that may supplement traditional lessons, with alternative and creative activities. Indeed, when I clicked through to www.tandem-schools.com/en I found that they adopt a core communicative approach to language teaching, and include Tandem Learning as an additional skill, albeit one that is heavily emphasised. That said, I was so impressed by the Tandem Schools website, I am now seriously considering them as my language school of choice, should my dream to celebrate the end of this Masters with an extended break in South America, really come true!



Digital Image

University of Edinburgh Tandem Language Exchange Programme. Digital Image. Web 8th November 2015.


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