Interview with Maria Pang @ May Link

March 6, 2016 karinawp

美龄女性国际教育的创始人, 来自杭州的庞博,让我采访她。我学到很多新知识。


- 小学/中学/大学的快乐经验

- 两个最喜欢的老师

- 中国考试将来的想法

In this interview I chat about learning and teaching with Maria Pang, a Hangzhou native and founder of May Link, an organisation which advises female students in China on educational practices abroad.

Listen to the audio (in Chinese) to learn more about Maria’s:

– learning experience as a student

– two favourite teachers

– opinion on the future of China’s exam-based education system.

Friends outside of China, may enjoy this video on Youtube.

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