我有一个好朋友叫Naomi. 她是英国人。她学习社会学,我学习商业研究,我们一起学习了三年了。虽然我们没有学习同一门课程,但是我们还成了最好的朋友。 她个子比我小。(她经常穿高跟鞋!哈哈!)机身很苗条。眼睛大大的,头发又黑又多。她一说话就笑,大家都说她是个漂亮的姑娘. 她性格也很好,对人热情,也有耐心和冷静,喜欢帮助别人。 她是一个爱运动的人,特别喜欢跑步。 因为她常常参加马拉松,所以她的身份非常健康。她很聪明,工作的很认真。总是得到老板的赞美。 今年她有两个愿望。第一:回来我家串一下门。第二-:学好德语(她妈妈的母语) 虽然我不高兴跟她分开,但是我希望在英国她生活幸福,工作顺利!
Category: Understanding Teaching and Learning in China
Personal research project on understanding the role of the teacher in China.
新年快乐!羊年快乐! Chinese New Year Wishes
TCSOL Video Podcast This project is being launched in order to gain a deeper understanding of teaching and learning Chinese in China, through the medium of a video podcast (vodcast). It can be assumed that those teaching Chinese and those studying Chinese, coming from very different backgrounds, have different experiences and expectations about learning languages….
Apart from the Chinese Testing International website, where you can download past papers, I’m only aware of two online HSK preparation websites: Global Exam and Hello HSK. Global Exam is a fee-paying platform. So I’m likely to try Hello HSK as part of my winter study plan. I will post a review of the website…
Background At the end of November I attended a talk at the AmCham China Conference Center in Beijing, examining why education has failed to keep up with the fundamental changes driven by new technologies. The speaker, Noel Thomas, Co-Principal of Yew Chung International School of Beijing (YCIS Beijing), provided some insightful analysis on the current…
“Due to the ubiquity of English as a global means of communication, [English mother-tongue speakers]may, in an anglophone country, never hear the sounds of the language they are learning outside the walls of the classroom. Compare this to the average second-language learner of English in almost any country in the world. As well as their…
ACTION RESEARCH Teaching English as a Foreign Language Background – In order to make practical application of knowledge gained on my Masters course and to better understand the value of technology use in the TEFL classroom, I plan to review the use of the IWB and Activ Table at my school. Plan – Following the…
I saw this posted on an online ex-pat magazine. Always on the look-out for new digital projects, I made contact with the sender. More details, as and when.