Category: Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages

November 1, 2013 karinawp

Chinese Teacher 5 Teacher 5 does not have a general teaching certificate (the British equivalent is the P.G.C.E), but she does have a Masters in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. She is a new teacher, with two years teaching experience. T5 uses a text book as the basis of her teaching strategy, and always…

November 1, 2013 karinawp

Chinese Teacher 4 Teacher 4 is not a qualified teacher, but has taught 4 foreign students recently. T 4 believes that there are “too many” Chinese teachers nowadays, due to the high demand from foreigners wanting to learn Chinese. The result is that there are a lot of unqualified teachers in the market. Teacher 4 thinks that…

October 31, 2013 karinawp

Chinese Teacher 3 Teacher 3 is a graduate from BLCU (Beijing Language and Culture University). She has been teaching Chinese for 3 years. Her students are all adults, some with no language experience, while others are already quite fluent. She does not hold a TCFL certificate, because, currently, the training for the official certificate has…

June 7, 2013 karinawp

  Chinese Teacher 1. Interview Part 2. Teacher 1 believes that most textbooks for TCFL are not very good. However, she recommends the “Road to Success” textbook series. The topics are very practical. She uses her own supplementary teaching materials to support her TCFL classes. For example, pictures, which she uploads to her iPad to show…

June 7, 2013 karinawp

Chinese Teacher 1 Interview Part 1 Teacher 1 has taught English to Chinese students for many years. She has recently started teaching Chinese, using the ideas she learnt from her Teaching English training to inform her lesson planning and material selection. T1 participated in a one month TCFL training at Beijing Foreign Languages University. The…

June 7, 2013 karinawp

I am interested in learning more about Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. So I wrote a short questionnaire and sent it to my Chinese teacher friends. 我对对外汉语教学感兴趣。所以我写了一个简单的问卷。然后我把它给我的汉语老师朋友。